Friday 22 February 2013

Creativity Tasks

What is Creativity?

The thesaurus definition of creativity is:
Originality, imagination, inspiration, ingenuity, inventiveness, resourcefulness, vision and innovation.

Taking each of the words in turn, apply them to the pieces of coursework you have created at AS and A2. Create a list for each of your coursework pieces, justifying how you have demonstrated any of them.

  • Originality - My music magazine was different to most because it focused on the females within the rock genre and had more of a focus on a female audience. I wanted to create this because I hadn't seen it done before and though there a lot of great female artists within the rock genre I feel that they aren't as widely known as others. Also, female fronted rock bands are mainly what I listen to so I had quite a wide knowledge of it before I started. 
  • Imagination/Vision - The imaginative part came when planning the music magazine. I had to choose a colour scheme, fonts and an aesthetic theme. Though a lot of this was inspired by other rock music magazines and existing products I definitely used my imagination to create my final product. 
  • Inspiration - As I said I was inspired by other rock music magazines, the main one being 'Kerrang!'. I was inspired a lot by this for the layout of my magazine and it was very helpful to have an existing product to refer back too. I think the inspiration helped me to be creative and in the end helped me to create a good product. 
  • Ingenuity/Resourcefulness - Because of the limited time we had to create the products it was a challenge but I made sure to plan well in advance and I tried to be as organised as possible. Because of timing I didn't get to take all the pictures I would have like too, meaning that some of the images I used were actually just from concerts I had been too, but worked well as thumbnails for 'posters'. 
  • Innovation - Compared to my preliminary music magazine my work had improved greatly. Throughout the course I learnt about conventions that would help my product to look more professional. I also felt more confident using programmes such as Photoshop meaning that my editing was much better than when I first started. 
  • Imagination/Vision - The idea for the music video came to me very quickly and the vision that I had for it was very similar to the end product. There were a lot of creative elements to think about; costume, location, shots, props etc. 
  • Inspiration - The inspiration we had was from videos of female fronted rock and rock/pop bands and this had a huge influence on our video. It made it a lot easier to envision our own video and made the planning process quicker. It was also nice to have an existing product to refer back to, meaning that our product became more professional looking. For the ancillary products the inspiration came from quite conventional rock themes and dark imagery such as skulls. 
  •  Ingenuity/Resourcefulness - Again, time was an issue, especially when shooting for the video. We had to work around our own schedules as well as weather and daylight. We usually shot the outside shots while it was still light and when it began to get darker we'd do any inside performance shots which evened it out and meant that we weren't wasting time. 

How creative do you think you've been and what prevented you from being more creative?

Though there were constraints such as limited time, money and equipment I think I was creative in terms of vision. I always had a clear idea of how I wanted my product and I was happy with what I had created at the end of it all. Seeing as this was the first time I'd done this a lot of it was based on influences and existing products but I would like to think that if I did it again I would try to move away from that and let my creativity be more independent and less influenced. 

Has a set menu of tasks made it easier to be creative or would you have preferred a free choice on what you could make? Were you pinned down too much by the task or did it free you up to be creative within the boundaries of the task?

I don't think that the boundaries were a particularly bad thing and I was still able to be creative within that. I think it also helped  that I enjoyed the task we were given as it was tied to music. I think that if we had more time then there would have been no problem with letting us have more free choice but as it was I think the boundaries made it easier in the long run.

"A process needed for problem solving... not a special gift enjoyed by a few but a common ability possessed by most people." (Jones 1993)
Everyone has an integral way to problem solve, though they may not all be the same, we all have it within us.

"The making of the new and the rearranging of the old." (Bentley 1997)
The way in which things are created. We can either create something completely new or we can reuse and modify old ideas.

"Creativity results from the interaction of a system composed of three elements: a culture that contains symbolic rules, a person who brings novelty into the symbolic domain, and a field of experts who recognise and validate the innovation." (Csikszentmihalyi 1996)
Creativity is shaped by culture (surroundings and the society), a person with an idea and somebody to recognise that idea as something special.
- Agree: Within our work our surroundings were our boundaries (budget, being students, time etc.), the person with the idea was us, the student, and the person to recognise that idea was the teacher. 

"There is absolutely no judgement [on creativity]. All judgements are comparisons of one thing with another." (Donald Larning)
If we judge something we are simply comparing it to something else.
- Disagree: I think that there definitely is judgement, and even if it is a comparison you still have an opinion on a certain thing. It's not, however, always a negative, because the feedback we got in our work helped us to develop. 

"Technology has taken all the creativity out of media."
New advancements have made it easier to create things but we now lack the capability to be creative and use our imaginations.

"A project that is too well planned lacks opportunities for spontaneity and creativity."
If you plan every single part of a project too well you will never break the boundaries, therefore never exploring something new and possibly better.

"Media producers can learn nothing from studying the conventions of old texts."
You won't learn anything new from looking at generic conventions of something already created.
- Disagree: Though I agree with this to a certain extent, especially if you are already well developed within media production, I think for our work it was always helpful to look back at conventions of already existing texts because it helped to make ours more believable. 

The creation of bringing something new into existence - "This particular understanding of creativity involves the physical making of something, leading to some form of communication, expression or revelation." (David Gauntlett)
There is always a reason behind creating something.

"If creativity is not inherent in human mental power and is, in fact, social and situational, then technological developments may well be linked to advances in the creativity of individual users." (Banaji, Burn and Buckingham 2006)
If creativity is to to with the individual situation of a person then the use of technology is still creative because how it is used is down to the person who uses it. 
- Agree: Though the whole class used Photoshop for their coursework the end results were all very different and some people's were definitely more creative than ours. It still depended on the skills of the individual person.

Rube Goldberg

How do Rube Goldberg's ideas fit in with what you have learnt about creativity? To what extent are they demonstrating creativity?
I think the creativity from Goldberg is different to the conventional way of thinking about creativity. It seems to be a lot more technical, and more for the reason that it looks good, rather than it really meaning anything.

Which theories could be applied to Goldberg's ideas? Explain why.
"Creativity results from the interaction of a system composed of three elements: a culture that contains symbolic rules, a person who brings novelty into the symbolic domain, and a field of experts who recognise and validate the innovation." - This kind of creativity has evolved from different aspects of our society within art and media, the person is obviously Goldberg and the recognition comes from the audience's reaction.

Which theories conflict with his ideas? Explain why.
"A project that is too well planned lacks opportunities for spontaneity and creativity." - This conflicts completely because the video wouldn't have worked at all if it wasn't planned out to the last detail.
"This particular understanding of creativity involves the physical making of something, leading to some form of communication, expression or revelation." - Though it looks good and something big was definitely created I don't think there was any deeper meaning behind it.

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